New Year's Eve at The Gin Hotel

Join us this New Year's Eve at our home at the Bella Luce, Guernsey's Gin Hotel, to welcome in 2019 in gin-soaked style.

The Bella's House Party will be an informal affair which will get started with our Wheadon's and tonic bar serving up complimentary drinks between 7pm-8pm.  The wonderful teamof chefs on the other side of the wall from our distillery in the kitchen will be serving up various buffets throughout the course of the evening instead of a sit-down meal, so you can graze between gins as midnight approaches.  After toasting the arrival of a new year the Bella's bar will be open late in true house party style, and they've got great deals on rooms if you want to stay over rather than get a taxi home.

Tickets for the Bella Luce's NYE House Party cost £37.50 per person - Call 01481 238764 to book your tickets!